Maurice and Katia Krafft dedicated their lives to exploring the world’s volcanoes. Their legacy is groundbreaking footage of eruptions and their aftermath, composed in this stunning visual collage. Sabat MaterTrad. arranged by Ernst Reijseger. Some scenes were so impressive that I had to watch twice. I particularly enjoyed the combination of Bach’s Kyrie from the Mass in B minor with erupting volcanoes and a larval flow, as it gave an unexpected sense of grace. Later, we hear excerpts from Verdi’s Requiem, but not the all-too-famous passage! We don’t learn much about what motivates Katia and Maurice Kraft to be so absorbed by volcanoes, which is part of the charm of the documentary as it gives the viewer a chance to ruminate. The narration leaves a lot of space. The few words spoken are very revealing. A masterpiece that I feel immensely privileged to have seen.